šŸ‘‘ How to crush the rest of the year with #3for31

Plus: the podcast I canā€™t get enough of lately

Whatā€™s up, Hustlers! 

How was your Thanksgiving?

I kicked off the day in my favorite wayā€”getting back to work after mat leave! šŸ˜ After that, I gathered my crew and drove down to Philly for some quality family time and, of course, to settle the ultimate debate: The only acceptable cranberry is from a can...with ridges.

Let's hit the ground running this week and finish November strong. šŸ’Ŗ

Xx Robin


Itā€™s almost time for #3for31, the ā€œmost wonderful time of the year.ā€ 

What is #3for31? It's my challenge to you: 31 consecutive days of movement in December. Get involved by walking, jogging, running 3 miles or moving for 30 minutes from December 1st to December 31st.

Why join #3for31? I started this December challenge back in 2014 because I donā€™t believe in waiting. Why hold off until January to kick ass? If you can get up and move, reclaim your self-care, and prioritize yourself in December, the busiest time of the year? You can do it any time. Hustlers donā€™t wait until January.

I went back into the time capsule to look for some OG #3for31 memories. I found pics jogging through my old neighborhood on the LES, sweating with swagger on the Highline, and finishing my first #3for31 on New Yearā€™s Eve 2014. I was smiling then, and after 10 years of doing this, Iā€™m just as excited now.

Ready to get involved in #3for31 this year?

  1. Download the calendar tracker below. āœ…

  2. Walk, jog, or run 3 miles or move for 30 minutes every day in December. šŸ’Ŗ

  3. Post your completed tracker in-feed on Instagram. Tag @robinNYC and @SwaggerSociety on Instagram using #3for31 šŸ‘‘ (and complete 31 days for the chance to win a one-year Swagger Pass; details on swaggersociety.io!).


Exploring the city that started it all. My fam is in London this week, and itā€™s got me in my feels. I came to London to blog about the Olympic Games two weeks after I quit my corporate law career a decade ago (the plane ticket to LDN cost more than my rent, and I slept on a friendā€™s couch!). This was an OG Pivotā€”a major shift that, at the time, felt like I was jumping off a cliff. It was also a choice to commit to the changes (big and small) that align my actions with my intentions.

This is what pivoting, and The Pivot, is all about.

This week, Iā€™d love to hear about your pivots. Hit reply and tell me about a change that flipped the script for you. Oh, and send recs for your favorite plant-based spots in London!


Plant-based mac and cheese for days. I love this vegan mac and cheese recipe. I add in a few extras: a head of broccoli cut into small bites, 1/2 tablespoon of soy sauce or liquid aminos, and a handful of jalapeƱos (optional for those who dig a little heat, like yours truly). Stir those extras in as your pasta finishes cooking and tell me how much you love it.


Podcasts that inspire me. This week, Iā€™m digging Julie Piatt on the Rich Roll Podcast. This episode dives deep into the ways love evolves over a lifetime. Tell me about it! And conscious relationships that commit to growth? Sign me up. Weā€™re stronger together than we are apart. šŸ’Ŗ

Question: How do you recommend getting through all the holiday commitments and staying true to your workouts/nutrition?

ā€” Carol

Answer: I love this question. Iā€™ve got a couple ideas:

1. Eliminate points of frictionā€”find a way to make one less decision. Set out your workout clothes the night before (or even sleep in them!). This has helped me to stay focused when that focus is tested.

2. Set your priorities and stick to them. You can even write them down somewhere youā€™ll see them every day to keep yourself on track.

3. Iā€™m a big fan of saying no. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with saying no to holiday activities that donā€™t align with the journey you are on.

4. Take account of what your body needs, day by day, and give it that. Sometimes itā€™s more movement, sometimes itā€™s sitting on the couch. Do what works and donā€™t apologize for it.

ā€” Robin

Got a question for me? Share it here!

ICYMI: Itā€™s been a big month for me on podcasts. Check out two of my favorites.

Thanks for reading, Hustlers. Letā€™s make the most of the last few days of November and close out 2023 feeling strong. In the meantime, go out there, pivot with power, and stay curious about whatā€™s next.

Xx Robin ArzĆ³n

Got feedback? Hit reply and tell me what you thinkā€¦Iā€™m always looking to level up.