đź‘‘ Hustle? We do that all year long

A major announcement, too!

What’s up, Hustlers! 

Happy New Year! 🎉

Are you in the midst of all the “new you” talk for 2024? If you've been rocking with me, you know we bring the energy year round. Let's shift the focus to self-care, ensuring you're set for the long-haul hustle, not just the January sprint.

By just opening this email, you're already showing up for yourself. No need to have it all figured out—let's simply commit to riding this momentum!

Xx Robin

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Here are 5 ways I am putting self-care first this season:

  1. I’m reminding myself that slowing down is a strength. Slowing down takes confidence. It’s easy to go, go, go…but taking the time to zoom out lets you put it all into perspective, so you can go full throttle on what’s important. 💪🏽

  2. I’m actively doing things that fill my cup and make me feel like myself. For me, that’s putting more weight on the barbell. But it could be anything—knitting, running, writing—you do you! 🏋🏽‍♀️

  3. I’m leaning on others, especially my badass friends. The people who know what I need almost as much as I do. When I was newly postpartum, I texted my friends randomly to see if they wanted to see a Beyoncé show in Texas. They said “when and where” and I was quickly on a flight to Dallas and on the road back to being me. 🎶

  4. I’m listening to my body. What it needs looks different every. single. day. Leaning into that instead of resisting it allows me to engage in self-care that sets me up for success.👂🏼

  5. I’m grabbing self-care in doses. You don’t have to change your life overnight. Self-care can happen in small steps—sunshine on a walk, 10 minutes of reading your favorite book, or a quick ab workout. 📚

How are you working on self-care and productive rest this month? Hit reply and tell me what’s up!


The end of #3for31! We did it. 31 consecutive days of choosing movement and choosing yourself. đź’Ż

As we turn the page on this year’s #3for31 movement challenge, I’d love to hear how you’ve grown over the past month. What advice would you give yourself on December 1, now that you've conquered a whole month of daily movement? Would you do it again (I would! ✋)? What changes did #3for31 inspire for you?


Six words: Sweet potato fudge peanut butter brownies. I promise, these will disappear from your fam’s kitchen fast. The peanut butter is key. 🔑 And yes, this is self-care! Get the recipe here.


The Swagger Society book club! It’s launching this month. Here’s how it works:

  • Each month, I’ll choose a non-fiction book with hustle and resilience at its core. I’ll share what book we’re diving into together right here in The Pivot.

  • If you want more discussion and conversation about the book throughout the month, you can join Swagger Society where we’ll discuss key themes and how to apply them in your daily life.

We’re starting with Hidden Potential by Adam Grant this month. This book offers a framework for aspirational expectations and is a must-read to stop underestimating yourself. Can’t wait to hear what you think!

Grab your copy here!

Question: Have you ever had times in your fitness journey when you were expecting to see or feel certain changes that just were not happening after a significant amount of time and hustle? If so, how do you handle those situations and move past them?

— Haley

Answer: This struggle is real and yes, I’ve experienced it many times! Here are a few things I remind myself of when the going gets tough.

1. Progress is often invisible. And in most cases, the path to success is circuitous. The key is to keep showing up and keep moving forward, even if it’s in smaller steps than you had planned.

2. Trust the struggle and ritualize the discomfort. Just like your muscles, it’s the resistance that will make you stronger. The unease may be the unlock for your greatest strengths.

3. Failure builds resilience. I welcome failure as a tool in my toolkit. Life has lots of ups and downs. Being brave enough to actually have experiences where you fail is a critical part of growth and will give you the confidence to keep moving forward.

— Robin

Got a question for me? Share it here!

I’m now a contributor on Good Morning America! This has been on my vision board for years, and it goes to show how powerful visualization is—when you name it, claim it, and put in the work, big things can happen! Feeling grateful for this dream come true. 🙏🏽

I’ll keep you posted on my next appearance. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading, Hustlers. Let’s keep the good vibes going. There’s lots to be excited about in 2024.

In the meantime, go out there, pivot with power, and stay curious about what’s next.

Xx Robin ArzĂłn

Got feedback? Hit reply and tell me what you think…I’m always looking to level up.