đź‘‘ Level up your pasta game

Plus: My favorite skincare and beauty products

What’s up, Hustlers! 

I hope y'all had a great Memorial Day with friends and family.

Amid the BBQs and family events, I took a moment to reflect on the power of being of service. It takes you out of yourself and into a place of giving.

Grab groceries for an elderly neighbor, donate to a support organization, or thank a healthcare professional. A small act of kindness goes a long way.

Let’s show up for others because real queens fix each other’s crowns.

Xx Robin

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Protein Pasta Sauce đźŤť Want to level up your pasta game? Try my latest creamy, plant-based protein pasta sauce recipe below. It's perfect for busy days when you need something quick, nutritious, and delicious!


  • 1 block of silken tofu (about 15 oz)

  • 1 cup of plant-based milk

  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice

  • 2 teaspoons of Italian seasoning

  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder

  • 1/2 cup of nutritional yeast

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Add all ingredients to a blender and blend at high speed until smooth.

  • Pour over hot pasta and garnish with parsley or basil.

  • Add your favorite veggies – I like to add roasted veggies like broccoli or peas.

  • Enjoy!

I used chickpea pasta for extra protein!


My favorite skincare and beauty products đź’¦ Self-care should be a consistent practice in your daily life, not just a solution for when you break.

For me, a consistent beauty and skincare routine is part of my self-care practice. I sat down with Women's Health to share some of my favorite products that support my hustle and fuel my self-care ⬇️ 

Skin-Care Essentials

Sweat-Proof Beauty Products

Healthy Hair Essentials

Freshening Up After a Class


Transforming your health with lifestyle tweaks 🎧️ In this episode of the Huberman Lab podcast, Dr. Casey Means breaks down the vital role of metabolic function—the process your body uses to convert food into energy—in your overall health. She discusses how issues like chronic inflammation and a poor diet can disrupt your metabolism. Listen to Dr. Means's holistic approach to improving metabolic health through lifestyle tweaks like regular walks, high-intensity workouts, and packing your diet with nutrient-dense foods. ⬇️ 

Question: What are some tips for starting a new goal and staying consistent throughout the process?

— Rob

Answer: This is a great question. I love that you’re thinking about how to level up.

🔹 Start Small: Consistent, bite-sized changes can result in habit formation, which is the key to long-term behavior change.

🔹 Focus on the "Why": Ground your daily activities in why you are making the change. Motivation is fleeting; a meaningful "why" makes all the difference.

🔹 Find an Accountability Partner: One of the best ways to crush your goals is with a community. Magic happens when fierce people team up to become the best versions of themselves.

If you're looking for a community of like-minded hustlers aiming to level up and crush new goals, check out Swagger Society. Our mission is to help members set new goals, build stronger relationships, and become the best version of themselves. We achieve this through the power of a diverse community, a commitment to consistency, and collective accountability. Preview our private app community and save 20% on your annual membership with code: SUMMEROFSWAGGER.

- Robin

Got a question for me? Share it here!

“Shut Up and Run” Book Party đźŽ‰ Last week, I visited the Peloton showroom in Cherry Hill to celebrate the re-release of "Shut Up and Run." A big thank you to everyone who showed up with so much love and support. Can’t wait to see y’all level up your running game! đź’Ş 

How to Win at Work with TheSkimm đź“ť Need some advice for asking for a raise, getting unstuck, or avoiding burnout? I sat down with TheSkimm to share some of my go-to tips for bringing your confidence, swagger and self into work. ⬇️ 

Thanks for reading, Hustlers. Go out there, pivot with power, and stay curious about what’s next.

Xx Robin ArzĂłn

Got feedback? Hit reply and tell me what you think…I’m always looking to level up.