👑 We can do hard things

Plus: My favorite activities in NYC

What’s up, Hustlers! 

Hard work is the ultimate form of self-love.

You deserve more than easy.

Every time I show up to train, I’m stacking another brick in my House of Hustle. Rent? It's due daily.

What foundation are you building today?

Xx Robin

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Fruit-Filled Salads 🥗 Let’s talk fresh, seasonal fuel! Today, I’m throwing together a super simple, summer-inspired, kale salad that’s packed with nutrients and bright flavors. We’re talking in-season favorites like blueberries and peaches with a protein boost from chickpeas, all tied together with crunchy pecans and creamy nut cheese. This salad is the perfect way to fuel your hustle. Let’s get into it!

Summer Kale Salad with Peach, Pecans, & Nut Cheese

For the Dressing:

  • 3 tbs extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 tbs sherry vinegar or white balsamic vinegar

  • 1/2 tsp stone ground mustard

  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste

For the Salad:

  • 5 cups lightly packed torn kale leaves (center stems removed)

  • 1 ripe peach, sliced

  • 1 tbs nutritional yeast

  • 1/2 cup blueberries

  • 1/2 cup chickpeas (for that protein boost!)

  • 1/4 cup pecans

  • 2 ounces nut cheese (I love using a soft "feta" style)


  • In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, mustard, and black pepper to create the dressing.

  • In a large bowl, massage the kale leaves with half of the dressing and nutritional yeast until the leaves soften.

  • Top the kale with sliced peaches, blueberries, chickpeas, pecans, and nut cheese.

  • Drizzle the remaining dressing over the top, toss gently, and enjoy!


My Favorite NYC Activities 🏙️ I've been traveling this summer, and while the adventures were amazing, I’m ready to dive back into the energy of NYC. The city fuels me, and there’s no place like home to soak in the vibes. Here are some of my go-to spots to enjoy with my fam. Whether you're a local or visiting, check these out! ⬇️ 

  • The Whitney Museum: As a member of The Whitney and part of the museum’s artist council, this museum is a regular stop for us. Pairing it with a visit to Little Island is one of my favorite ways to tap into NYC’s creativity and culture. Athena’s already obsessed—it's the perfect family spot!

  • West Side Highway + The Carousel at Hudson River Park: The West Side Highway is my go-to running route. Whether I’ve got Athena or Atlas in the stroller, we’re cruising down the flower-lined paths along the water. Our favorite stop? The Hudson River carousel—a fam highlight before we keep it moving!

  • Sheep Meadow in Central Park: Sheep Meadow is iconic. From spring through fall, this spot brings all the NYC feels. I’m sure Athena’s future birthday parties will go down here someday—it’s just that kind of NYC magic.

  • Dining Out with Family: Drew and I believe in raising little New Yorkers by putting them in the heart of the action. That means brunch is a family affair. Our favorite spots for plant-based plates? Eleven Madison Park, BondST, Planta, Jajaja, The Butcher’s Daughter. 🥬 

  • Performing Arts Shows: Madison Square Garden, SummerStage, Shakespeare in the Park—we’re all in. This summer was extra special when we saw Jess King’s DJ set at SummerStage!

  • Bookstores: As an NYU alum, bookstores hold a special place for me. The Strand, Union Square Barnes & Noble, and little gems like Printed Matter and The Drama Book Shop are my go-to spots for escaping into new stories (check out some of my recent reads here!).

Now it’s your turn—what spots light you up in your city? Whether it’s your favorite coffee shop, running trail, or hidden gem, I’d love to hear your go-tos!


WE CAN DO HARD THINGS. 💥 At the start of the year, I made the decision to learn how to swim as part of the #MyDayOne Peloton series, imagining I'd be gliding through the water like a mermaid in no time... wrong. After months of work, I wasn’t as far along as I expected.

But here’s the thing: progress is often invisible. You’ve got to KEEP SHOWING UP even when you don’t see the results. Almost a year later, and here I am—feeling strong and confident in open water. 🌊

Huge shout out to my badass swim coach Joe at Rush Performance Coaching and Tim Ferriss for putting me onto Total Immersion swimming.

This is your reminder: You’re not too old. It’s not too late. Keep showing up for the infinite game because growth is always possible.

Question: How did you make your career change from law to fitness?

— Gaby

Answer: Making a career change can be daunting, especially when you’re stepping into something new. But remember, you can do hard things—your dreams are worth the leap. Here are some key tips that helped me navigate that journey.

1. Take honest inventory of your skill set. What can you leverage? What do you need to learn?

 2. Don't ask to “pick someone's brain.” Offer help. Be of service to someone you admire.

 3. Plant all the seeds. Tell anyone who will listen about your big dream. Send the email. Make the call. Conversations I had 10 years ago are now coming to fruition. Hold space for the vision and let go of the exact timeline.

— Robin

Got a question for me? Share it here!

Thanks for reading, Hustlers. Go out there, pivot with power, and stay curious about what’s next.

Xx Robin Arzón

Got feedback? Hit reply and tell me what you think…I’m always looking to level up.