đź‘‘ How to create a STOP doing list

Plus: My book pick of the month!

What’s up, Hustlers! 

Are excuses holding you back?

We often craft stories about not having enough time, energy, or skills to pursue our dreams. We find reasons why the timing or situation isn't perfect, or why we aren’t good enough.

Excuses are just lies we tell ourselves convincingly.

Let’s smash these toxic thoughts, together.

Xx Robin

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A STOP doing list 🛑 Last week we talked about energy as a form currency. This week, I want to dive deeper into protecting that energy.

We are constantly making “To Do” lists for all the things on our plates - emails to answer, school projects to make, groceries to pick up. It can feel endless and overwhelming.

I like to combat the “To Do” list with a “Stop Doing” list. Here’s how it works:

  • Think about the things that are eating at your energy and sucking at your soul.

  • Write them down. Just like your “To Do” list, putting things on paper is important for visualizing, prioritizing, and making a commitment.

  • Keep the list close by. Remind yourself of how you want to protect your peace.


High protein snacks. I’m constantly on the move, so I like to make sure I have high protein (plant-based) snacks handy. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Protein bagels with nut butter and a banana

  • Seitan jerky

  • Protein yogurt with berries

  • Overnight oats with protein, cinnamon, berries and maple syrup

What are some of your go-to snacks? Hit reply and let me know!

Plus: a few more ideas ⬇️ 


Door knockers, forever. After soaking up the energy from the recent Grammys and Paris Fashion Week, and with NYC Fashion Week just around the corner, I'm doing a deep dive into my closet and brainstorming how I’ll look good for victory in 2024. Here’s what I’ve got:

  • Style Inspiration: A blend of She-Ra and BeyoncĂ©. 🔥 

  • Important Elements: Fit and fabric. đź‘— 

  • Victory Essentials: A pop of color, and of course, some chunky gold jewelry. đź‘  

What’s your take on the 2024 fashion trends?

What's your top trend for 2024?

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“The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store” by Jame’s McBride. As you know, each month I highlight a book with hustle and resilience at its core.

This month, I'm pumped to pick “The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store” by James McBride. This read embodies the essence of resilience. Our stories hold immeasurable power, and this book is a testament to the strength within. Grab your copy here.

If you want to dive deeper into conversation, join the Swagger Society book club! đź“– Email [email protected] to find out more.

Question: How do I eliminate the unhealthy foods my family brings into the house?

— Carole

Answer:  The answer is simple (but not easy) - don't buy them and get them out of the house. I often talk about reducing points of friction, but in this case, it's the opposite. Make the unhealthy foods more difficult to grab; make the bad decision harder to make.

The key is telling your family about your goals. Involve them in the conversation and elicit their support. Together, discuss healthy swaps for foods that everyone can enjoy!

— Robin

Got a question for me? Share it here!

Last week I was fortunate enough to be featured in the 2024 VegOut Wellness issue. I shared my journey as plant-based athlete, mom and hustler. If you’re curious, you can read the full story here. 🪴 

Thanks for reading, Hustlers. Go out there, pivot with power, and stay curious about what’s next.

Xx Robin ArzĂłn

Got feedback? Hit reply and tell me what you think…I’m always looking to level up.